Freelance architect Carlo Lorenzo Ferrante (Dipl.-Ing. dott.arch.) is a member of Architektenkammer Berlin, Alte Jakobstrasse 149, D-10969 Berlin, Germany, certifying him as an architect. The definitions of the profession, in particular the Berlin architectural code and the professional code of conduct, are available at the homepage of Architektenkammer Berlin (in German):
· Architektengesetzt Berlin (Berlin architectural code)
· Berufsordnung Berlin (professional code of conduct)
Membership number, freelance architect, Architektenkammer Berlin: 11059
VAT Identification Number: DE 216 289 544
Despite careful content control, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the information provided on this website and bear no liability for the content of linked websites. The operators of linked websites are solely responsible for their content.
Responsible for the content of this website: Carlo Lorenzo Ferrante
Webdesign: Anja Belter, Carlo Lorenzo Ferrante
Webmaster: Mauro Ferrario, Michele Toninelli
· Architektengesetzt Berlin (Berlin architectural code)
· Berufsordnung Berlin (professional code of conduct)
Membership number, freelance architect, Architektenkammer Berlin: 11059
VAT Identification Number: DE 216 289 544
Despite careful content control, we cannot guarantee the correctness of the information provided on this website and bear no liability for the content of linked websites. The operators of linked websites are solely responsible for their content.
Responsible for the content of this website: Carlo Lorenzo Ferrante
Webdesign: Anja Belter, Carlo Lorenzo Ferrante
Webmaster: Mauro Ferrario, Michele Toninelli